Once upon a time, a couple of Gods who were best friends were hanging out in their garden with a couple of their pet monkey people. One God - the Good God of Light, Wisdom, and Choice - offered the woman - mother - the fruit of knowledge, and she then offered it to her mate. The other God, a jealous and wrathful God, who didn't even think all the other Gods should have partaken of the fruit, was enraged and cast them all out. The world has been ruled by evil ever since.
Sound familiar? That story was already old when the pyramids were new. When the story was adopted by the Egyptians, then Sumerians, then Aranians, then Hebrews, then Romans, etc, they flipped roles, making Satan into the bad guy and their supreme God into the other.
Satan, Lucifer, God of light, was the original good God.
Yawhweh and Elohim are not this good and lovey dovey baby nonsense. In fact, quite the opposite. "Fear the Lord, they God, or you will bear his terrible wrath" Something like that? God is not good, he a pissed off mofo. Obey or die.