The class system. A nasty remnant of the British empire. The question is... Where does it stop? It doesn't.
Corporations used to play for their own roads, and then the government would act as a neutral business entity, and built said roads.
How the money moves, how the laws are enacted and enforced, etc, etc, are beyond the average person at this point.
My libertarian position, in a way, supports the people... Because if I was in charge, the laws would be far fewer in quantity, and I'd make em readable to anyone who could read at a 4th grade level.
The best suggestion I've heard is to put a 50% inheritance tax on the assets of the recently deceased.
*helpless shrug*
3rd, 4th and 5th generation 1%ers only understand the value of money in a figurative sense.
"Let them eat cake" has a lot more meaning if you've had to seriously consider whether stealin' bread counts as stealing, in a real world scenario.
/End Political Internet Rant