If the media wants to call themselves the 4th estate, and equate themselves with the 3 branches of government, then they have a DUTY to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. That would include among other things, always showing an opposing viewpoint. They will tell you one half of the story, the half they wish to influence public opinion with, and never tell you there is a whole other angle over this way. That is what Kelly ann Conway calls lies of ommissison, and what I say when I say they don't just decide what stories to cover, they decide what stories to cover UP), depending on who will be hurt or helped in either instance. They are an arm of the democratic party, their propaganda and information bureau, and deserve every single bit of the flak that is coming their way right now. They should remember their job is to inform the public, not be a filter for what THEY think we should know, and not know.