Funny, it's not the liberals that import them: it's the businesses that lure them here. Illegal immigration has been dropping over the last decade, since the financial meltdown of 2008. Now we have manufacturing jobs out the whazoo here in Indiana but not enough employees to fill the jobs. American workers aren't moving to where the jobs are, even when there are few jobs where they live because they've been burned so many times over the last half century. Examples I know personally: families move from parts of Kentucky to my area. Very common in the 50s and 60s. They left a lot of family back home. When the recessions of the 70's hit, they moved back to Kentucky or other places where the work was. this kept occurring, damaging the extended family support systems of generations. Now that things have picked up, the work force that was here is gone. Most illegals went back to Mexico and haven't returned because NAFTA saw to it that the jobs moved there, so they wouldn't have to come back. The American migrants? they left because they had nothing to tie them to this area. You know any out of work welders or CNC operators looking for work? Send them to Indiana.