I have seen numerous times over a multitude of memes where a single comment has more upvotes than all the other comments on the meme. Does not mean any cheating has taken place. And you do realize that renegade's comment was made roughly 20 hours before your falsely accusing comment was made? So when you say that you came and only saw maybe 2 upvotes and then shortly after he had 15, absolutely no evidence to support your claim. Your word means absolutely nothing here. I know that it is you trying to claim I am also Socrates, but because you are a scared little pussy, you are afraid to do it with your tetsuoswrath account and so you did it with another account. If I am renegade and we used 15 accounts to upvote his 1 comment 15 times, why would we not do the same to the rest of our comments? Obviously we are not scared by you, and there is nothing to gain on or off this site by "cheating" like you keep calling it. So regardless if you think you have called us out for being alt using cheaters, why would we suddenly stop? The correct answer is we did not use alts, we are not the same person, and 15 other people upvoted his comment. Many people upvote a comment that shows you supported the meme by giving it an upvote. Happens all the time. So there shouldn't be any surprise that the one comment has 15 upvotes (now 16) and the next one has 9 (now 10). You've lost. Time to face the music. This site was better off before you ever joined and it will improve tremendously if you just delete all your accounts, leave, and never come back. Goodbye Sidious.