Today's tips. Good meme. One letter from being great. Proofread!
Seriously, here's a good formula for posting great memes. Once you have generated your meme, don't hit SUBMIT. First, proof read it. If you have a misspelled word, use the edit meme button and go back and correct it. generate again and proofread again. You may have missed another word (I have done this before) something misspelled? Repeat the edit process. When you finally have the meme perfect, don't submit yet. Select "GO TO IMAGE PAGE" Here is where you can make your own title and add tags. Find the EDIT IMAGE button, and press it. Now you can add the title of choice. This is important because sometimes pages load slow and people will skip over standard titles, but if they see something that describes or comments on the meme, they will more likely stop and wait for it to download.Try to be descriptive. "Presumable Funny Title" has been used to death. Tough to come up with a variation that works and is tune with the meme.
Once you have a suitable, and possibly funny, title, you need to add tags. This is to help you in multiple ways. Here you would have wanted to add bicyclist, helmet, brain damage, concussion, and any others you can think of. even your username. This comes in handy for Google searches. (adding user name sounds self serving, and it is, but it helps others find your memes by subject) It also helps in case you have a repost. This can be done just by clicking on a tag. A tag like bad luck brian? you'll get hundreds of results pop up. And that's just this month. Bicycle? Nowhere near as many. If you do spot a post like yours, check when it was posted. I always sort by latest. If I find one that was posted more than a year ago, you can add repost to the title to stop the repost police. Try to keep at least 6 months gap if it was posted previously. Nothing come up, you post it, and the self appointed repost cop shows up, check the link. You'll find that the person didn't tag it appropriately. Point that out to the angry troll. (trust me, there are some that get really pissed about a repost)
whew. I know that's a lot of information, but I like to explain the whys so that you can focus on the what to do.
Any questions, let me know. Just comment on one of my old memes and I'll answer as soon as I can. Meanwhile you get the upvote.