Calm your attitude, you are the one coming off as an asshole at moment, this was after I went through and liked raydogs submitted content.. All of it, you don't know jack all.. I've said since day dot, I mainly make memes for myself, I only give back out when people make me laugh hard, or I rarely submit. So don't try and school me, Raydog gave me the advice of how things work on my second day. Take a hose and wash the sand out.. And my demeanor speaks for itself through my memes.. I don't cater to sooks EVER... You will be no acception... So take a chillpill or go down vote me. What ever your menstraul needs to get over a little shit stirring between me and someone else.. 100% sure Raydog would of told me to calm off considering its a little prod, as stated previously, OK valiant? We clear?