Republicanism is a branch of Fascism
Hitler hated socialism and communism and worked to destroy these ideologies. Nazism, confused as it was, was based on race, and fundamentally different from class focused socialism.
Far from close identification with the labor movement, you found harsh repression of labor unions. Social welfare provision did not advance markedly beyond that which dated back to Bismarckian Germany. And while there was state regulation of capitalism, it was the kind of wartime mobilization of capital that is found in all sorts of regimes. Too, one must remember that the first inmates of the first concentration camp, Dachau, were members of Germany's leading socialist parties, the SPD and the KPD.
In sum, there is no good reason to regard the NSDAP's use of the terms"socialist" or "worker's party", or the anti-capitalist tone of some of the party's pronouncements, as anything other than cynically propagandistic.