I don't know about you but I have been on welfare. My family was very poor at one point. To us welfare was a hand up and not a hand out. Because we didn't stay on welfare. When my parents became more financially solvent we stopped receiving food stamps, when my disability ended I went back to work.
However, people who make welfare a way of life don't even try to become financially responsible. I know this because I'm related to some people who are "moochers" and who "cheat the system" in various ways.
The government using coercion to take tax dollars to give away makes that type of lifestyle possible. Whereas if it were left up to private charities or if the system had a "cut off point" or work goals for welfare recipients, when people like my "system leeching" family members were faced with the reality of no more free funds, they might find a job and be more responsible with their money.