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thejamesasher (28333)
Joined 2014-05-18
144 Featured Images
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Untitled Image in fun
0 ups, 1y
and there were the mean kids who wouldn't let anyone sit next to them. TAKEN!
So satisfying! in fun
1 up, 2y
i wait for the film to get damaged first. better the film than the screen ***the more you know*** (woosh)
It's Finally Over in fun
0 ups, 2y
cleantube is youtube without the ads
meme modified with meme in fun
0 ups, 5y
if anakin had just taken padme to a hospital... like literally any other husband would have. on any planet. in any galaxy. anywhere. he had to be the only one.
Roll Safe Think About It in fun
0 ups, 6y
and i saw a book on how to steal steven wright jokes