The common sense argument against evolution: Computers don't occur in nature. So how can we believe that the human brain, and the complexities of DNA sequencing, are organized by random chaos? I find the idea that we formed from a lucky streak spanning billions of years to be more far-fetched than Creation.
The scientific argument against evolution:
* Scientists and Christians can agree that plants appeared before animals, and aquatic animals appeared before land animals. But that doesn't mean evolution from one class to another.
*The original Neanderthal skeleton studied by Boule has more recently been shown to have been a human deformed by arthritis.
*There's no denying that microevolution occurs. Humans share a common ancestry, but are quite ethnically diverse today. We observe mutations in bacteria all the time. But the minor horizontal shifts of MICROEVOLUTION don't mean the vertical upheavals of macroevolution.
*Science is based on observation, right? No one is observing macroevolution today. For example, there are canines and felines, but there is no cafeline link between the two orders.
*If we take the fossil record at face value, macroevolution hasn't occurred in the past either. According to Darwin, the fossils should present a line of indistinguishable, transitional forms in the process of evolving. But they don't. It's not just a case of one missing link. Whole sections of the chains of life are missing.
*According to DNA, cows are more closely related to dolphins than horses. In Darwin's theory, that doesn't make any sense. But in Creationism, we find the answer: Genes are the building blocks that God uses to build life forms. The animal kingdom doesn't share a common ancestry--just a common Creator.
*The second law of thermodynamics says that a closed system will naturally degenerate into simplicity and chaos. Even an open system requires some kind of intelligent programming in order to become more complex.
In summation, macroevolution has no scientific basis; just people desperately clinging to their faith in atheism....a faith built on the Wishful Thinking fallacy.
Out of curiosity, just what would you consider definitive proof that God lives? Finding His cursive signature on the moon? You would just rationalize it away as a hoax, or as an incredible coincidence of natural formation. You're not going to find God in a laboratory or telescope. The first step is humility and open-mindedness.