You're trying to make it seem like the transgender community are trying to make everyone transgender, but in reality conservative cisgenders are trying to make trans people cisgender.
The L and G of the population don't have the full force of the government behind them, as some politicians still want to oppress them. Why is it moral to oppress people based on their sexuality, but immoral to have a wedding cake?
I never said that the minority opinion should be forced to agree with LGBT people, but the minority opinion shouldn't want to oppress them either. No one is going to have to change their lifestyle; nothing is going to change. Changing lifestyle to cater for others is what people thought would happen if African Americans were given their rights during the 1960s. Were any lifestyles changed? If any "lifestyles" were changed, that meant ending the bullying against African Americans, but that's not a lifestyle, that's an unprovoked attack. If lifestyles were changed because of transgender people, that would mean ending transgender bullying. Is this what you're asking? If not, give me an example of what "lifestyle" would change.
"You said you "don't believe that transgender people are denying science or ignoring reality" but the majority of the 'transgender' population don't have this rare genetic abnormality you brought up, do they?"
It's rare, but not invisible, and we shouldn't ignore it. The government we live under now is ignoring something big called climate change, so who knows how much they care about LGBT issues.