Was that the reason ghost gave for it not being a no-go: because there was already a theme scheduled for that week? This is why we're trying to go with the scheduling, to keep themes from having to compete.
MLP posts that week also qualify as Comic Book Character posts, anyway.
I'm real easy to work with. While I wouldn't have wanted the ponies to compete with the Justice League or the Avengers, or any of the other characters, including the manga characters, I would have loved to hear this sooner. I still would have recommended the week be later, I would have embraced a MLP day for your fave pony. If you look at the conversations around that week, you'll see how I embraced it when it was pointed out that May the Fourth fell in the middle. Hell, I could work May 3rd into a successful MLP day without a problem, including getting others involved that may want to use other comic book characters. I've already started promoting, initially by posting my intent on the meme the stream, but also pointing it out in other people's posts.
Theme weeks aren't set up strictly to promote egos, but to help other meme makers get ideas of things to post. Ive had fun being a part of them, and even had a couple of my theme memes make front page.
The choice, of course, is yours. I'd rather work with you than not. Either way, though, on your Pony memes that week, make sure to put Comic Book Week in the tag section. This way, I can see them and upvote them. Thats part of running a successful event; upvoting the memes of everyone that participates, as well as leaving a comment. That's your duty as event host.