See, the thing is that the OP is new here.
I've been searching through my bookmarks for that repost argument (to no avail). On it someone else on it asked why do they complain if they're gonna do the same? and the response of "Well it's Ok to recycle after awhile" was also stated.
Not sure how a newb is supposed to know that a meme was used a year or two ago (ONE OF THE REPOSTERS SAID "DO A SEARCH THROUGH ALL THE MEMES!") and be held to a different standard when those who should, AND DO, know better give themselves a pass.
btw, I wasn't taking a dig at your submissions, was meant in general,,, I've seen your stuff and we've had meme back n forths, and always thought them original. Plus you helped out my friend, and I appreciate that. I've tried to get her more involved here, but she just makes memes for the forum we met on.
Also, looking at my first comment, it does come across as a tad crankier than it was meant. Was supposed to be a loud exasperrated but-all-in-good-fun sardonic rant,,,
Forgot to upvote here too, was gonna do it after,,,