if that was really true, don't you think all of us memeticists would all be drinking tea by now ? :D
Truth is that commercials doesn't really work the way the general public think it does...
commercials only work as brands because obvious marketing is actually a company health symptom. The more money spent on commercials, the healthier the company must be, and humans simply tend to favor healthy business above others.
If you've ever seen a lion stalk the gazelle's in high grass and wonder why all the gazelle's jump, it's because by jumping a gazelle advertises that it's healthy, and since the lion want's an easy meal, it goes for the less healthy gazelle's which by default doesn't jump so high.
nature is marketing healthy behavior by default, and we humans are part of that system, which is why girls tend to pick whatever trendy males are out there displaying themselves as healthy, and why managers run around managing nothing at all whenever there's a new boss in the workplace, because they wan't to display that they can manage, but it's not really important "what" they manage, just their intent to do so, and the new boss will fire those most inactive because that's how we are built on the inside.
I hope you understand the mechanics of it all now.
Not even subliminal comercials work, and few know that clever business men have thought out that the most powerfull brand ever is the illuminati, so by placing illuminati stuff in their commercials they display the fitness of illuminati, even though they aren't, and that my friend is called mimicry :D