Mine is bum ticker and COPD. Had heart surgery 2weeks before my 51st birthday. The doctor I went to for my Social Security physical, according to my sister, the nurse, was the toughest doctor in the area on those exams. She said the odds were against me getting it, but I did.
I do a little here, a little there, to help my budget. I always seem to get those extra $$$when I need it.
After my wife kicked me out, she realized she made a big mistake. She didn't have any income other than what our oldest and her husband could provide. Her heart was worse than mine, but she hadn't got enough credits to get social security. Her only choice was to go to work. She lasted about three months, enough to get her credits, and had a stroke. She gets less than $300 a month on disability, but she paid for the divorce because I wouldn't file. Our kids are grown with kids of their own. All but one of my grandkids have hit puberty, but that'll happen within the next few years.
I stayed with her 38 years. I wanted to make it work. But she didn't. Our two youngest see the roadblocks she set up in not just my life, but theirs, and resent it. Or, like when I told my son we separated, his reply was, "About time." LOL.
I have the best relationship with my two youngest than I ever had. A great relationship with my granddaughters, although I only see the one once in a blue moon, and, dispute what they heat at home, my grandson's. At least two of them that I formed a super bond with when they were little.