That's possible. My old account was cut back to two submissions a day when I was at 170,000 points. I finally said F it and deleted the account. Since starting this one, I've had the downvote fairies visit on more than one occasion, but the difference is being put in time out, not being able to post comments or replies, as well as meme posts. I submit a feedback form advising of the situation, request comments be reviewed, and usually have full capability within the hour.
Chances are, you won't get a reply from a feedback form. I've only heard of one person that has, and he has a pro account. Myself, since my feedback works, I can only say, watch what you say, and how you say it. The what will trigger the time outs, the how reflects on how it's handled.
If I have further problems where I suspect a mod is involved, I've come up with a third solution. I'm holding back on mentioning it, but it should be effective in clearing up the flame wars.