Uh, according to her, not for a few hundred years, yet.
Just like most earth species start out as a fetus with a female bluprint, so does hers. There are no male babies born of her species: all females. About the time they're 400 or so, they build a cocoon and gestate in there for about two years. When they emerge, they are male. They mate with the young females that haven't gone through the change. She has 32 children from various maternity contracts. She'll continue on with her studies for several decades before she goes back to "brood mare" status, then return to exploration as menopause (their version) occurs. During that 60 years, she's infertile while her body prepares to become a male.
One interesting, fascinating, and highly exotic thing about the females of the species is that they have a tongue inside their love canal. While it will develop into a Willy during the cocoon stage, right now it acts similar to the tongue.
Wish she popped back in the area again, or one of her sisters. Wow.