I can even stand some if the rebuttals, bit the outright, derisive hatred and vitriol is ruining the place.
This is more than just a humor site: it's a fun site. That means, besides the laughs, we share the tears. As much humor as I put out there, the one meme that made it go page one was about the celebrities we lost this year. The reason it made page kne, though, was because I made it personal by saying the one I'll miss most is my little brother. My cousin, otoh, made it to page one on his fifth submission. It was both political and funny. It was the car towing a cannon with something about open carry getting out of hand. Perfect combo. Oh well. For now, he's sticking with car and travel themes. Doing well.
The thing, though, is the humor is always a little light. I see young people that think it's a hoot to post a meme that is nothing other than saying that they hate a specific classmate. More vitriol.
Imagine if we did not have the anonymity of the internet to hide behind. How many of the trolls would troll if their accounts could be traced back to the source. You wouldn't see it.