Oh I don't know about "free passes.." Hillary much more so than Obama. He got raked over the coals for Syria by the press, was ridiculed by half the media for the ACA, and was left to fend for himself against the Republicans, without the media putting negative pressure on Congress to work together.
So yeah, I'm gonna disagree a little bit. Trump got over a billion dollar's worth of free publicity and air time as a presidential candidate; I don't feel sorry for him at all. He's unlikely to survive two years in DC without being impeached. His business ties are a threat to national security. And if you think that Congress is just gonna gloss that over, Reps AND Dems, then think again. Basically, they're just waiting for him to leave a paper trail and make a few f**k ups. I've been monitoring this "conflict of interest" concern for weeks now. The minute they can prove he's intentionally profiting from misusing his authority and influence as president? You're gonna see sparks fly, and him leaving for New York, Nixon style.
But I hear your 2 cents. And raise you a nickel. ;)