Thank you so much for your service!!
I HATE how the Government treats our Vets!!!
I live in Salt Lake City... we have a VA hospital here and several Vet homes... yet.. we have a HUGE problem with homelessness... and so many are our vets.
I work with the Homeless and Abused Women... and I can tell you the VA is messed up.. and it has gotten worse year after year.
a few months ago, I was viciously attacked and seriously injured by a Vet with horrid PTSD and other mental issues.
I don't so much blame the guy, as I do the VA who does not properly deal with a lot of the guys coming back from the Middle East who have seen and even done, unspeakable things there.
They sweep the mentally ill under the rug and wish them away. Now the streets of SLC are filled with them... overflowing.
They have drug and alcohol problems... again, which are not being addressed... stemming from self medicating to keep the nightmares of war at bay.
I have 8 kids... all grown (had them young and all within 12 1/2 years)... my son who is 28 has given up on obamacare cause they would not cover ANY of his required Doc appts and meds so he can maintain his sight.
So last year he opted to just not pay the $300+ monthly premium and spend the cash directly to the Doc and Meds on his own...
Now, the IRS is hounding and threatening him!
It is INSANE!!!
Let's look at the governments messed up logic vs reality and real logic
Pay insurance $300 month, but NO real coverage, go completely blind and not be able to work...vs... pay the Doc and meds $300 month and saving his sight, so he can continue to be a productive and contributing taxpayer....
I am SOOO sorry that the Government has failed you and your family.
I am hoping that Trmp can make things better.... but it is going to take a while
Side note... my youngest daughter, Abbie is 18... I was picturing you an 18 year old girl! LOL
Nice to have a real idea of who you are :-)