Just as well I chose Monica.most of my memes do have some thought behind them, even fast, off the cuff, ad-libs. The process can last anywhere from 2 seconds to days.
While Monica was the first name that came to mind, I felt I should consider other people with that notoriety. Hugh Grant came to mind, but immediately dropped because he was the recipient, not the purveyor. George Michael? Nah. Any porn star, either gender, lacked name identification. It was down to Monica and Linda. While lkvelace is gone and her legacy lives in, she lacked the "face value", or recognizability, Monica has. That said, I had to go with Monica.
I really didn't want to use her because she's been over done, but to get it across quickly, I didn't have a choice.
While assembling it, I had to come up with the right caption. Working caption was, " Me too" but decided too open ended for trolls. Came up with the one I used, ad I got to the caption box.
Sounds like a lot of work? Two minutes. Including finding a nice pic of Monica instead of the vacuous smile one so commonly used.