That opens itself to circular logic. If one accepts that all humans are innately biased, that would, in turn, show a bias in reaching your conclusion, making it unreliable.
The key factor on trying to determine a news story true or false lays in what facts can be sifted from a story. A good thing to look for in a news story is first, how facts are presented.
Take the president's speech last night. Would you say it fake news if I said he mentioned a trillion dollar infra-structure plan to rebuild our current one. That he said it is the fact. How he plans to do it or the feasibility for implementation, at this point, is conjecture.
It's not the belief that all news presented by media is fake news, but rather, how well you can sift through the BS.
I don't expect you to get all your news from my memes. I do expect people to look, and if they have a question, they research it first. My research shows that when a head of state starts yelling the equivilant of "fake news", it's the first step towards totalitarianism. Its then that you have to look not as the newsmaker making the claim, but at the bit of news that person is calling fake.