He released the legal document that is accepted by all government agencies for things like drivers licenses, schools, passports, and, in the case of president Obama, the courts to prove his citizenship. No demand for a full birth certificate was demanded prior to that release. He asked for a copy from Hawaii, that's what they gave him. I thought that it was odd that he wouldn't request the original, long form version immediately after that demand, but looking back on it, his timing turned out to be perfect: the Birthers ended up painting themselves as nutcase racists. Is it any wonder that the left laughed long and hard at the Birthers. Oh, but it didn't end there. No, a year later Trump offers a cool million to have him prove citizenship. (must check on if he actually did pay up) Sheriff Joe later organized a posse to go to Hawaii to investigate, and last month, while closing the books on his "investigation" still claimed that there were discrepancies in the long form.
Maybe the Birthers need a safe space. A good one with padded walls and jackets with nice long sleeves.