Congratulations, you have allowed yourself to be trolled and fell for it hook, line, and sinker. These clowns aren't liberals: they're just race baiters thinking that they can turn this into a race war and didn't realize they were fools. Even Al Sharpton has stayed quiet on this one, and you know if they had any influence he'd be out there drumming up support. Jesse Jackson has already denounced the perps, and even the grandmother of the two women involved has said nothing of value in their defense. She's eben offered an apology to the victim and his family.
Yes, I watched the video as far as I could stomach it. Everybody has their opinions, and these two have voiced opinions Tjat are contrary to the facts. Ask your liberal friends what they think of this. I think you'll find they're closer to your opinion than you realize. This may be the closest thing we've had to unite this country since 9-11 or the Kennedy assassinations.
Thank God the prosecutor's office put the hate crime charge in there, even though the victim did not die. That wasn't the case in Knoxville, Tennessee a decade ago, where the couple were raped, tortured, and viciously murdered. But then, maybe they didn't have a tape of it. The victims were white, the convicted are black.
Why would these two nutcases say it wasn't a hate crime? Because the victim lived? Because he was a Trump supporter? Like I said, I don't think you'll find a mainstream liberal out there that supports these opinions.