The main reason I respect you is that you are humble, you have enough popularity around here that you could get away with being a dick to people but you aren't that type of person. People try to goad you into acting like that and you never fall for it because it isn't in your nature. They want you to be rude and act like you are better than others so they can try to convince people you don't deserve to have the spot that you do. All they ever accomplish is proving that nothing they say can change the fact that you aren't that guy.
They will even say I'm just kissing your butt because I want to mooch off of your popularity when I say nice things about you. They can't believe we are friends that don't care about points because they aren't here to make friends and points are all they really care about.
It's all been said before and the new haters don't realize how much they sound like the old ones, while we just keep making each other laugh and having a good time regardless. That being said check this puppy out I'm sure it will do good because I mentioned your name and am riding your coat tails lmao!