I agree that there is a rush to judgment based on a political slant/agenda. The slant is all about shifting blame for something Clinton provably did (set up a private unsecured server and stored Top Secret-Compartmented documents, among other acts) to something that Trump hasn't done but the media (which is run by a bunch of alt-left hacks) has gone to extreme lengths to draw dotted lines to 'connect' unprovable claims. The tip of the iceberg isn't the election, it's the Beghazi 9/11 attacks.
That's where the chain began. When Benghazi was being investigated, it led to the emails proving that Clinton was deliberately ignoring the security situation there.
The Benghazi investigation began the search for additional emails, whereupon Clinton stalled and generally interfered with the congressional investigation into the server that they discovered Clinton had.
Evidence like Clinton's handheld devices were destroyed and the server equipment used was wiped with digital countermeasures software to further impede the investigation.
It was learned through the email investigation of the incestuous relationship between Clinton's State Dept. staff and the Clinton Foundation and the conflicts of interest between Clinton's State Dept. duties and her dealings with foreign governments through the Foundation.
By this point, all the investigations were weighing on Clinton's election bid and that's where the election rigging was happening between the DNC and the Sanders campaign. When that was exposed, regardless of the source, there should have been an immediate FEC investigation, but by that point Bill Clinton was meeting secretly with Atty General Loretta Lynch to put the fix in on anything relating to Hillary. This was also with the blessing of Obama, who could have called an independent IG to look into that meeting - but he didn't.
By this point, Hillary was sagging in the polls, and she openly queried "Why is it that I'm not 50 points ahead like I should be?" The unspoken answer to that came on election night when incredulous newscasters, who were openly supporting Clinton and making no pretense toward objectivity, were forced to announce that Donald Trump was the new President-elect. It wasn't till then that the Clintons started trying to spin their national security violations and the DNC's nonexistent digital security into a sinister plot on the part of Donald Trump in collusion with the Russians. The whole narrative is simply a grand alt-left conspiracy theory.