You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Like, none. Obama did more to combat and shut down terrorism in 3 years than Dubya did in 8. When will you Republicans ever wake up and stop buying the "company line?"
"Democrats are soft on defense." LIE
"Democrats are tax and spend." Not anymore than the Republicans. In fact, they've been raising taxes on the middle class for decades. And lowering it for the rich and powerful, refusing to enforce them paying even the reduced rates!
"Democrats are destroying this country" Not anymore than 8 years of the most inept presidency in American history; Dubya. Obama inherited a country that was in shreds; a dying economy that would've put people like you and me ALL in the soup kitchen..A failed war in Iraq, that TRULY gave Islamic terrorism a steroid shot to their cause..a country more paralyzed by fear and paranoia like it was in the 50s..a Vice President who fleeced the armed forces, taking advantage of every profit-making opportunity possible on the dead and broken bodies of US soldiers, in a war that was considered illegal by international consensus.
But you by all means keep believing the horse shit you like chewing on, by the Party that has fv(ked you over as much as it can get away with; by a Party that feeds off fear, prejudice, and depends on keeping people ignorant, misinformed, and most importantly confused.
I'll take my peace in being an Independent, who's socially conservative but fiscally progressive and innovative, and just wait for the day (that's almost arrived) that you just....won't have a Party that exists anymore.
If you've really been following this historically awful, nightmare of an Election, you will see just a glimpse of what I'm talking about; a Party without a backbone, that's divided, has no clue what it wants for a vision, disunity, mutinous, and has demonstrated not only a keen awareness of its impending fate, but is now desperately trying to stay alive, by wavering to whatever's left of its shrinking voter base, allowing a village idiot to beat its public image to death and shred its already very unfavorable reputation. The GOP is unpopular. 10s of 1,000s of its members are leaving, headed my crowd's way.
Why don't you catch the next wave? can sit there and justify the idiocy, ineptitude, and downright lunacy of a dying political organization.
And after what BUSH had as "foreign policy" some apologies WERE in order, so we could mend some fences