I got my first .22 rifle at 15 and learned safety , and shooting responsibly as well as accuracy so I could rabbit and snake hunt in Florida. My parents let me keep it in my room unloaded , but ammo was in my dresser if i needed it. I got my first handgun at 18 . Lots of things can be weapons , Bow and Arrows are another good choice with todays compound bows, silent and deadly. Knives have their place , but thats up close and personal and to me a martial arts Staff about 5 ft long is a much better option when you learn how to use it.
If Trump gets elected , I think we have a better chance because he is a deal maker and a Builder and wants tougher security for The USA. If Hillary gets elected , all bets are off as to what happens since Her and Obama have the Russians Laughing at us as a weak led Country.