Sorry, accidently hit list.
Your memes might work in certain social settings, within a specific context. Take away those factors, it falls flat. This is where the comments section help. You can develop your humor sense of humor and learn to banter in meme form. Be personable in comments. Using foul language and insulting other commenters, which I have seen other members do when they start, is bad karma.
There is a large cross-section of society here: some are learning English, others speak it well, and others you have to say, "WTF???"
Our membership also stretches across all age limits. I've seen users here that aren't even teens to people that have been retired for years. I'll be 60 next year.
And yet, with all my internet experience, I'm still a noob here.
Being original is good, but if that doesn't work, treat it like you were casting a show. The right joke, no matter how old, is still funny when presented right.
Yesterday, I posted an old joke I found from an article on Cowboy Philosophy. I found a pic of a cowboy talking with his son, and put the caption to it. I thought it was perfect. But it fizzled.
But even my fizzled ones do better than nothing.
Commenting? Someone does a meme you like, and you can come up with a witty comment: do so. That's one way to get better known.