You remind me of the guy being dissected (in his inferior debate technique) in the link above.
I think you disagree with some of the 'facts' offered by this video....but watch the building(s) fall - into it's own footprint - a5s OPPOSED TO TOPPLING OVER. Also when they do Controlled Demolitions - please NOTE - THEY FENCE OFF THE AREA-. Shit still comes flying out. - just not the way one expects in a REGULAR building collapse.
So how about instead of making an ASS of yourself, with all of your assumptions about a HETEROGENEOUS group of people (and ME) - whom you clearly have no contact with - you pretend instead that your mind is a parachute - and get ready to let it work for you - by opening it.
I'm not making assumptions about YOU based on your membership in the 9/11 LIE cult. Those folks (of course) range from those who can't face the facts for emotional reasons (they usually can't accept that the Government 'representing' them, would IMAGINE, much less commit, such evil....) and those those whose misplaced loyalties (political or otherwise), and lack of morality, allow them to obfuscate intentionally, on behalf of the perpetrators - these, 2 groups we call USEFUL IDIOTS, as a matter of tradecraft - or the last A, of: AGENTS, ASSETS and ASSHOLES.
The First two A's get paychecks...assets usually from a PLAUSIBLY DENIABLE source. Agents work directly for the Govmint.
Let's pretend that of those 4 types that you are of the first - meaning that you're not JUST a disingenuous troll...but rather someone reachable by facts and logic...
Here is CLEAR proof that the Govmint can plan such things...
True ...Kennedy said "NO!", to that shit - but just Look at what happened to him. Killed by his own love of Covert Operations - like "MONGOOSE" - by the people who did such things (Committee 40), FOR HIM, and his successors.