Wow. You are all over the place. The first point I'd like to make is that I do not approve of Bill Clinton's relationships. He has worked through the problems they caused in his marriage, and that is all that really matters. All of the evidence is that these affairs were consensual. On the other hand, Trump said that he was able to do a specific thing that was sexual assault. In fact, there was a case of a woman accusing him of specifically doing that to her, but it was dismissed as a "he said, she said," case. Now that he is on tape saying that he was able to grab women's crotches without asking, it may be appropriate to re-visit that case.So, it isn't just that he said he did it, he was charged with that specific act of sexual assault. When I was in the Eighth Grade I learned about the US Government. I learned that the Department of Defense, not the Department of State was in charge of the military. That would mean that the Secretary of State would not have the power to order a military stand down, if one was issued. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who does not answer to the Secretary of State, has testified that the military was responsible for all responses to the Benghazi attack. It is probably just a coincidence that General Carter Ham's subordinates complained about his alcohol use affecting his performance of his duties. He was responsible for Benghazi security. My late brother worked for NSA, as did a good friend of mine. I know that many times a cover story is invoked after an event like Benghazi. This allows for people working for us to slip back into the background before they can be detected. In the long run, we will know the truth about Benghazi. Remember, they blamed Kennedy for an air support issue that was found to be not true after the Bay of Pigs after action report was declassified a few years ago. If you buy into all of the allegations against the Clintons, you must think that our law enforcement agencies are completely incompetent. If they had done a fraction of what they were accused of they would have been prosecuted. The bottom line is that Hillary Clinton will be elected on November 8 and if the Republicans maintain control of Congress, they can obstruct her like they did Obama and we will not get the government we pay for.