We don't get out, much.
That's because we spend so much time reading and observing people. We'll talk the leg off a chair, but when we listen, that tells the speaker they have our full attention. Make a statement, and we repeat it back as a question, and a little differently, to clarify what you said. Dismiss it, and you may see us lose interest.
I think a combination of genetics and home life helped. Dad was dyslexic, but he spent an hour or two reading the paper each night. He fueled my interest in news programs, especially documentaries. We discussed current events. And we try to find people that can hold intelligent conversations where we can look at things from other viewpoints, and still act stupid.
I'm the member of my family that deals in facts as best as possible. Family knows not to forward emails to me because they know I will spend hours researching, if needed, to dispute their claims the email makes.