Seriously, I am. I did stand up comedy for about 15 years and also write. Take the Rey meme, here. By adding your question to the meme, I have a legit post. I'll submit it in the morning. I'll redo the each and every day meme as well, and maybe even redo the "raydog" meme. Here's three submissions from a simple thread. And it's not stealing since I did them. As for the old jokes, don't fret about it. Remember, today's composers had toblearn how to play the old masters before they composed a single note. I had to learn to be a high energy, fast talking comic to be able to get my lines out, instead of the slow talking, laid back guy I am in real life. I'm so laid back, I dare not fall asleep at a funeral, lest I wake up in a coffin.
A good hint, and a reason to go to the old joke books, (1930s - 1970s) is because you'll find a plethora of jokes you haven't heard that are new to you and, chances are, they aren't making the rounds on the internet. A lot of the bad pun x memes have the same joke eben if not presented in the same format. You'll see two or three a day like that.
My most popular meme was a short bit from the old Edgar Bergen-Charlie McCarthy radio show. A:it wasn't a direct steal because I paraphrased it and B: I acknowledged what it was.