We're gonna extend Page 9 an hour because Dash is fixing a flat tire and doing Page 9 at the same time, and Google Chrome isn't working for me, and Internet Explorer sucks ass.
5 ups, 8y,
1 reply
Copy. Firefox is working fine for me :)
6 ups, 8y,
1 reply
Yeah... that hasn't been working for a while for me lol. Would use that.
4 ups, 8y,
1 reply
Something like 6-7 versions crashed on start up for me several months back. Finally a new version came out that I could use again.
5 ups, 8y,
1 reply
Alright, I'm back, did you tell them?
4 ups, 8y,
1 reply
There were no instructions to tell anyone! I thought you were doing that!
5 ups, 8y,
2 replies
Well, looks like not until next week for me, gtg. But I think it would be a good idea to extend them all to 2 hours. It just feels too short sometimes, and some can't make it on time.