I did read everything. I respect that you posted and took the time to type that, or paste it. I can argue on each line but that would take way too much time. Granted, you are accurate on some, misguided on some, and some have just not happened yet. Both of them are corrupt, habitual liars, and both have plans to ruin things further, or have total apathy, what is worse. I was wondering what you angle was, and then you showed me. "Barrack Hussein Obama, Hillary Clinton" For Your Information, Hillary has a middle name as well. A cool one actually. You think Obama is Muslim, 100% African, and maybe, the AntiChrist. When you argue based on bias, you lose the argument. I don't like Obama, Clinton, or Trump. Jill just happen to fall in line with me - not the other way around. We should all, have those standards when siding with anyone. I hope you understand where I'm coming from. Thank you for reading.