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S.M.C. (12629)
Joined 2015-09-26
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bill cosby mistake in fun
1 up, 7y
OF COURSE! :D But he's in super max prison, while the other guy will get a seat on Federal Supreme Court. Same crime, different consequences.
Republican leaders are not political in fun
0 ups, 7y
It's now about who won. That's being a sheep. It's about who was running. The other side had a female conning females, backed by a committee being paid by her to snuff what the Democrats proclaimed to be. My use of "suck" was not about win vs loss. I'm higher than that. Much higher. Check me out on youtube.
Why You Fear the Truth in fun
0 ups, 7y
Huey Freeman of The Boondocks
Cold Fact of Life in fun
0 ups, 8y
I must warn you, if not for this show, I'd not "know" of him this much. I heard of him tons from comics, and old toons. LIKED HIM. I think this is a great modernization of him. Glad you like the meme I made.
trump hillary in fun
1 up, 8y
I wish you could get your business going again. Honestly, I can't find any spot, on this planet, where those skills are not needed on an hourly bases. Welding keeps building together, as well as cars, fences and anything metal. One less welder means ten more things to fall apart. The reason I said "troll" was because some people are mistaken as trolls, and some people can't comment unless they are trolling. I wanted to cover all basis. Gunsmithing is 20 times more popular than welding. Geez! It's not that you're not needed, people just blindly hate you. Government or not. "Here's a hot dog, starving man." "NOOOO! I'll STARVE FIRST!" That's how it sounds to me. I hope you have a decent relationship with the lady. I think of some hateful people I met that wanted me to feel I owed them for doing any one nice thing for me, that I didn't ask for. I was thankful, but I'm not slave. Damn that. The KKK were DEMS for ages. Then in 71' the party switched but the KKK didn't. They're REPs now. To be more accurate, they are conservative but never say what party they side with. For me, I left the DEM party last year around July. REP side was just racist, fear mongering jack-weeds that sold us for corporate money. THAT use to be the DEMs thing before the 71' switch. NOW, the DEMs are just as corrupt, and racist, and full of crap. I'm voting for Stein. She's not the best person for POTUS but she's not been proven to be racist, for corporations, or for police shooting any harmless or helpless, or unarmed person of any color. I'm glad you're voting for who you want to vote for, even if I'd not vote for that person. Do it for you. Stein agrees with me, so I can vote for her. Not everything of how I feel, but no one is perfect. I know this was long. I had to respond to all you said. THANK YOU for watching the videos. I'm incapable of work and any new eyes to them is just great beyond words. I can only say, "Thank you." and hope it may be enough. Thank you for reading.