You just made that statistic yourself with no proof of it huh, goat humping Islamophobe?
You blindly believe any "footage" the media shows you without even a single question goes to mind of how bullshit the commissions are (someone blows himself up, but their passport ALWAYS remain intact, really?) and haven't learned from history how you commit an attack and blame it on others?
Better ignore that those "extremists" are 100% Western inventions (look up Operation Cyclone, the day America invested $3 billion to fund, train and arm the Mujahideen), better ignore that they killed more Muslims than all Christians, Jews and all non-Muslims COMBINED (religiously and NOT just politically).
Islamophobia is a cancer made to look like common sense when it's the exact opposite, and "humans" like you are so braindead without a single brain cell much like zombies. Your countries are more barbaric than ISIS, but meh whatever, we won't crticize them because were a bunch hypocrites and our Gods (the media) doesn't tell us that.
BTW, did you know that Jews control America? Oh, better reply with "Antisemite" as an excuse to refuse the truth, when you haven't done a research or even able to name them.