You mean we'll never understand why the solution to gun crime is more guns, when countries that have virtually no guns have way lower gun fatalities.
Yep. I'll never understand that one.
MrAmon, just some food for thought:
1. What happens when the cop IS the bad guy
2. Have You noticed that most mass shootings and terrorist attacks take place in "gun free" zones (e.g. schools etc.)
3. Have You noticed the fact that criminals do not obey the law (that's why they're called criminals) and get their guns in an illegal way to begin with?
4. Have You noticed the number of innocent civilians killed by cops?
Do You really live in 2016 or are you riding a unicorn in fantasyland somewhere?
That's not true. The 3 countries with the highest gun murder rates are Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Jamaica. They average 5 guns per 100 people. The U.S. rates #24 in gun murders and has 90 guns per 100 people.
You could substittute "school" with "massacre" or what ever else, but a law does not stop a determined person, whether they are sane or insane, from shooting other people.