You have "heard that the bible...", but you have not read the bible is what I gather from that statement. Whether you agree with it or any parts of it, how do you know without having read it? I think you see the hate because that fits what you have believe not from your own reading, but from the opinions of others who also have most likely not read it. There is also plenty about loving neighbors, and I do not mean the lust XoX part. There are marked differences between even the old and the new testaments and much in both is left to the reader's interpretation. For the wrongs done in the name of many different religions, many times the amount of good has been done, and generally done in quiet as it is just a part of every day life. Because some are guilty of twisting their beliefs, it does not mean the beliefs of all others are invalid. I would challenge you to read the bible before passing judgement on it, otherwise how can you know?