Ha ha! I find you extremely amusing, you're the perfect useful idiot i need, plz come around more often. I like how you irrationally and childishly assert yourself as some kind moral authority figure. No that you feel all big and power Mr. Rogers, go take a long trolly ride on a short set of tracks. I can be childish, swear childishly all i want, but since YOU dont like it YOU have to force your set of ideals and morals on me? Really? If YOU Mr. Rogers don't like it, downvote it and move on, only a narcissistic authoritarian would leave a message like you did. I didnt do anything to you,mthis is my meme, my comment section, i play different from you, and its my right to pursue happiness, and i am, then you came. Why? Dont push your shit on me, i wont push mine on you! Have a nice day sir!