Good meme, my guess is it didn't feature because there is no generated text. I I would look for the uncaptioned images and recreate the template. Maybe altar the text to your own words still maintaining the spirit of the conversation.
Naw buddy, I appreciate it but I couldn't. It's how I'm wired :) Howeve, I would suggest opening the image in paint and black out the "If the titanic sank in 2016" and add language like this: "Assuming my gender is stereotyping" ... "and stereotyping is wrong". If you want to give me credit for collaborating with you, that's cool but not necessary. :)
I am going to submit two versions, the original, and your better version, now are you sure you don't want to submit it first? Your so much more popular then me, much better chance for you, I want you to reach a billion points!