Thanks socrates, well let me see, sometimes political memes are funny but overall I like memes that are original and show of the creativity behind them. :)
^^^^ Jying's being modest, he's made some really awesome photoshops this week. You can go find them, they're still on page 2 or 3 I think. They were hilarious xD
Thanks brotha, I have had a lucky week, I've fallen in love with photo shopping and I'm really thankful that people like them as much as I like making them :)
Nice of you to say. It's funny I look back on my earlier attempts and am like wow I have come a long way lol. I'm still learning new tricks as I go, I never would have even tried to learn if not for this site. There are so many memes that have already been made, the only way I know my stuff is truly original is if I make the template myself..
Maybe, I'm always amazed when one gets 10,000 views or so, I've only seen a couple of my templates come around on facebook so far but I'm not on there very much. I also miss using Jeb Bush he was a lot of fun!