I never said that 3D animated movies are inherently bad. I'm just bitter that Dreamworks AND Disney abandoned 2D animation. Why not both, Though? Disney clearly doesn't care about their customers, they are the Ubisoft and Weyland Yutani of the Movie and TV industry. Not to mention that they are running out of ideas so much that they are making Live Action after Live Action remake as quick cash grab slop for consoomers (or in other words, blind consumerists).
It started to become especially apparent with their handling of Star Wars with their take on the sequel trilogy, throwing out George's original outline in the process, as well as the entire pre-IP sale Expanded Universe. Kathleen Kennedy is a clueless femic**t running Lucasfilm into the ground. Star Wars toy sales since The Last Jedi, not just audience scores for the films and most series after 2017-2018, particularly Forces of Destiny and Resistance, look very cheaply made. Furthermore, tons of many Star Wars toys and other merchandise have been left on the shelves ignored, left to rot in stores. Add to that the PR nightmares regarding fan backlash from Rian "Ruin" Johnson's take on Episode VIII, calling the fans sexist & racist trolls for not liking his work of hot garbage, making "SOLO: A Star Wars Story" rewrite Lando Carlission as being Pan because "muh death of the author" excuse. Add to not only TLJ bombing in China, and being a disappointment later on in the overall box office. 2018's SOLO didn't make any money back. At least Dreamworks is trying. Disney hasn't made a movie I cared about since 2017's Moana. They deserve to go the way of Kodak, Acclaim, and Atari Corp.