I can see why you'd ask that (but I think you can take a guess at what my answer will be).
My answer is no, it wouldn't make sense to blame God for something not turning out how we want. Whatever happens to us, both good and bad, is part of God's perfect plan, and he doesn't make wrong decisions.
That might sound like a double standard (to thank God for good things, but not to blame him for bad things), but the way I think of it is that God isn't under any obligation to us - especially since we are sinners, and disobey his reasonable rules for our lives.
The way I see it is this: if bad things happen, God hasn't let us down; but if good things happen, it's like God has given us an unexpected bonus we didn't deserve.
It's a hard topic, though. It's always easy to talk about "why bad things happen" on a theoretical level, without giving weight to the real difficulties of suffering that people endure. If people have difficulty acknowledging that God makes good decisions when they're experiencing great suffering, I'm not in a position to judge them.
I hope that makes sense.