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white privilege

6,709 views 2 upvotes Made by superwoman 9 years ago in fun
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7 ups, 9y
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"White Privilege" is just the 21st Century version of Aesop's "Sour Grapes" story, something to blame your own failures on.
5 ups, 9y,
2 replies
It's a failed counter accusation to the "race card"
4 ups, 9y,
1 reply
You need to come watch this train wreck, I think someone needs to go to their safe space before the white devil comes for them!
2 ups, 9y,
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Isn't that the breakdown of the population as a whole? No news there.
0 ups, 9y,
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2010 census reports 72% of the population is white, 13% as black. Therefore, whites are responsible for less hate crime as a ratio of their population and blacks are responsible for more hate crime as a ratio of their population. Do you understand that statistic?

OR...your excuse will probably be that whites are never charged with the crime or can be found not guilty, while the black man gets falsely accused and convicted everytime? Yeah, that's the ticket!!
0 ups, 9y
72% of the population are doing 58% of the hate crime, which simply means you are more likely to be the victim of a "white" person regardless of court bias. The incarceration rate of black males was over six times higher than that of white males, with a rate of 4,749 per 100,000 US residents. Black children are nearly 4 times as likely to live in poverty. No matter what angle you take, it amounts to white privilege.
6 ups, 9y,
2 replies
White privilege is something created by racists on the left who would rather blame others for their misfortunes and/or the end results of their laziness.

The majority of individuals who believe white people have special privileges are blacks. Their justification for their beliefs is slavery and mistreatment of their people. "We were slaves and we were mistreated by whites, so this gives us justification to mistreat whites and call them racists."

0 ups, 9y
when i said when white people enslaved Africans i wasn't saying this gives us the justification to call them racist, i was saying that when slavery began that set a privilege for fairer skin toned people that their more worthy, more of a human then darker people. They LITERALLY had us in shackles and said we couldn't go into curtain places unless we were white. You may not realize it but i'm guessing you are white, that people that are dark do.
5 ups, 9y,
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And you look like a trolling fool from the left who thinks that by race-baiting people who aren't racist, makes you look like a racist. You're the type of ignorant person who will find racism in everything and everyone. I am not racist, nor have I ever been racist.
5 ups, 9y,
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I don't have to prove anything to you. A meme created by a kid doesn't make the meme correct. I also don't have to prove anything to a troll such as you.

You calling someone a racist because they don't agree with you isn't original, you know. The Liberal left has been doing it for a very long time.
5 ups, 9y,
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Name specific advantages or imunities (not statistical outcomes, which could be affected by other factors) that whites recieve just because they are white.
5 ups, 9y,
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No, instead we are told we are horrible people for merely existing because are ancestors may have owned slaves.
No one is overcoming "being black" anymore, they are overcoming poverty. I come from a white trash family. Most of my relatives are not successful (many are on welfare). The ones in my family who did succeed, did not succeed "because they are white".
Btw, whites have to deal with assholes too.
5 ups, 9y
Yes, my family is (I don't like them much). My point is exactly that there position is a result of their behavior and not their skin color.
6 ups, 9y,
1 reply
I haven't heard a convincing case that this is true. I'm almost certain that it's not true to the extent people claim it is (seems like everything is about "white privilege," like just another fad).

Even if it is true, I haven't heard a convincing case as to why it needs to be stopped. It seems like people just assume "we must stop it." Why?

Even if it's true that it exists, and even if it's true that "it must be stopped," I haven't heard a realistic plan as to exactly how - and nor do I expect to.

Basically, I think this is just a meaningless cause for people to pretend to get up in arms about when they don't have actual problems.
4 ups, 9y,
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You said "raise the standard of living"
Okay. How?
Well, you could stop giving black communities scapegoats and encourage them to improve behavior that leads to poverty.
-high rates of single motherhood (how is that white people's fault?)
-High rates if black on black crime (how is that white people's fault?)

If you believe that blacks cannot control their behavior perhaps you're the one who's racist.
5 ups, 9y,
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So I am inferior because I am white and must take orders from my black masters because I am unqualified to discuss an issue. I'm soooooo sorry I'm white. Btw. I earned minimum wage up until I was thirty and managed to not have those issues, because I control my own behavior.
5 ups, 9y,
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I'm getting so sick of this "shut up, you're white" bulshit. It's as racist as f**k.
5 ups, 9y,
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No, I was using hyperbole to make a point.
If I can not have an opinion on white privilege, because I can't possibly understand because I'm white, than the inference is that I must listen to, and obey those who do understand it. You were essentially saying I should shut up and do as I'm told. And since white privilege cannot be understood by whites (and I have never heard "white privilege" invoked by any minority besides black) the inference, as to who I should shut up and listen to, was obvious.
5 ups, 9y,
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Maybe I do take this issue a little personally. I grew up in a majority black neighborhood. At school, I was picked on (spit on, beaten up, ect.) I was always treated as the instigator by the staff, even though I wasn't. (I was a bit of a dork, most of the bullying was not racially motivated, although some of it was) . I was accused of being racist from a young age because I was being picked on and attacked. I would get beat up, and then I would get detention, but not my attacker. So yes, I get defensive and "grumpy" when someone claims I get "special" treatment just because I'm white, because that's not how it felt when I was sitting in detentention for the crime of being spit on.
Once me and my siblings were attacked by a group of black kids (this incident was more severe than the school bullying). They even shouted "cracker" and "honkey". During the investigation, the faculty refused to entertain the idea that it might be racially motivated.
So yeah, when you're told, from a young age that you're horrible for existing, and that you deserve to be treated like crap because you're white, you get a little testy when someone tells you your skin color is a privilege.
4 ups, 9y,
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Btw, how is raising the minimum wage going to help the black community when they have higher rates of unemployment than other groups. It doesn't matter how much minimum wage is if you can't get a minimum wage job.
4 ups, 9y,
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Different studies come to different conclusions on whether raising minimum wage creates or costs jobs. Some studies suggest that raising the minimum wage actually hurts minorities, by pricing them out of the job market, and keeping them from getting their first job (and if you can't get your first job, you won't get your second, third, ect.)
Oddly, the measure most likely to improve outcomes (improving public school outcomes in minority neighborhoods) is rarely discussed.
There are a few reasons for this.
-The benefit would not be immediately observable
- most methods that could actually improve educational outcomes are politically inconvenient (teachers unions oppose vouchers and charter schools, which have been shown to have good outcomes, schools seldom have the authority to expel disruptive students who prevent students who want to learn from learning, ect.)
4 ups, 9y
Funny you should mention Burger King. I did it. It was my first job, I did it full-time and went to community college part time.
3 ups, 9y,
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You sound like user njrob. . Is this you?
2 ups, 9y,
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The similarity that seems to have you stumped is something called intelligence. If you break away from your inbred little crowd you might encounter more of this phenomena. It is what you, in your limited understanding of reality call a "liberal troll", which is actually just an "intelligent human".
4 ups, 9y,
1 reply
you're good,... i'll give you that! But whats your real user name,... don't be shy. =) You bait some users really well,... I'll tip my hat to you for that! You are smarter than me,.. I can only use one account,... I am too slow to recall PWs to alts. But smart enough to know when someone is trolling users. You are wasting that intelligence bro,.. why don't you make liberal memes.. Anyone peewee user can toss out insults,.. that don't require intelligence. Make memes,... if you really want to reach peeps. Trolling sends a message you want to aggravate,.. memes make a statement. Unless you would rather just aggravate,... ?
4 ups, 9y
You are trolling. And you're an average troll at that. Dumb trolls are obvious trolls and you're obvious. One dead giveaway is that you use celebrity names as your user name. That's the first giveaway. Generic trolls (like you) almost always use celebrity names.

It isn't difficult to say something "extreme" to another user, then have that user retort.
3 ups, 9y,
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Raising minimum wage only creates poverty. Something minimum wage was introduced for. Minimum wage was created to keep people in poverty. Thank a union.
1 up, 9y,
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Tell that to the other countries that have higher minimum wages and higher standards of living.. Ireland, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, New Zealand, San Marino, Monaco, Luxembourg, Australia..
3 ups, 9y,
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First,we aren't those other countries. By "we" I mean the United States. And second, you're naming countries that are either bankrupt or going bankrupt. And since this country (the United States) is beginning to follow in their pathetic and corrupt footsteps, we'll be that way soon enough.

Also, it isn't just about minimum wage. Minimum wage is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to affecting the economy. Minimum wage was created by the union and union mobs to curb economic growth (or the free market).
1 up, 9y,
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LOL, you are correct, those countries are not the US (very astute of you). But unfortunately you are wrong about them either being or going bankrupt. They have some of the highest standard of living in the world. I know it's difficult to comprehend that America is not the greatest country in the world but welcome to the 21st century. Minimum wage was created to make sure there is a standard of living that is in line with basic human rights, like how slavery was abolished.
3 ups, 9y,
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Highest standard of living according to whom? You? Progressive standards?

And you not knowing why minimum wage was started only shows your ignorance.
4 ups, 9y,
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Who was president from 2009 - 2013? You'd a thunk that BHO woulda made that all better, huh? Maybe he's just using that "divide" to keep us apart.

It's a chicken and egg argument...which came first...fatherless families, drugs, crime, gangs...did those factors cause this huge poverty gap...or did white privilege cause all of that which caused this poverty gap? When will you be happy...when everyone is in poverty or when everyone is rich?

Change has to come from within. People need to support their own, stop their self destructive behavior, and stop blaming whitey.
3 ups, 9y,
2 replies
Slavery came first, and it has been a slow battle since then. Emancipation did not magically solve the underbelly of hatred. The fact your comments exist prove that much. You need to understand some issues are a class issue, and blacks have generally been pushed into that lower class. Thus white privilege was born.
4 ups, 9y,
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What you are decribing, if it was still occurring, is discrimination. But since discrimination is easy to disprove, sjws invented "white privilege", which requires no proof, or even a concrete definition.
3 ups, 9y,
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Yes, your attitude is called black discrimination, and white privilege is a product of that. An example is when blacks get 20% heavier sentences than whites for similar crimes.
4 ups, 9y,
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But these crimes also occur in different areas. Areas with higher crime rates, tend to have heavier sentences, because a frustrated community rallies behind the idea that heavier sentences believing that will deter crime. This is not a black white discrimination issue, but low crime/ high crime area issue.
3 ups, 9y
Study found federal Prosecutors of African American and Hispanic defendants are almost twice as likely to push for mandatory minimum sentences, leading to longer sentences and disparities in incarceration rates for federal offenses
4 ups, 9y,
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Ok, thanks for calling me a hater for asking a few questions and trying to understand where you're coming from. Classy, but you don't know me, so the hater card doesn't work.

I was raised in a trailer park in the rust belt. Not a lot of white privelege there. I joined the U.S. Marine Corps at 18. There we were taught that there was only one color, green. We were and are all brothers that would die for one another. I served under senior enlisted and officers of every race, and they were all outstanding.

My point here is that the only person that can let you be held down in a lower class is you. In America, if you want to pull yourself up you can.

Your argument is invalid.
5 ups, 9y,
2 replies
George Clooney is a troll bro.. he is purposely aggravating you. It's one of several troll accts.
4 ups, 9y,
1 reply
Yes, he also has an account called "tedcruz" and a few other celebrity names.
2 ups, 9y
jebbush... gravedigger,.. ha ha!! The user has a lot of time on his hands,... He must have missed your cool meme on trolls giving the threads more points.. =) Link it up here!!! Get more points! =) lmao!
5 ups, 9y,
1 reply
Boo goo. Another lesson you can learn in the military is that excuses are like armpits, we all have them and they all stink.

I am sure that Dr. King would be proud.
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