Trudeau insisted on making everyone obey covud restrictions all in the name of "saving lives" and shamed as anyone who doesn't agree with such restrictions as a "selfish person endangering everyone's lives" but now he wants people to die all in the name of not overloading the healthcare system. Prescribing euthanasia to everyone even if they have a minor medical issue that doesn't in any way call for euthanasia.
Tampon Trudy knows their pain and would most definitely suggest euthanasia, especially if the incumbent is dissatisfied with their bottom surgery in Canada.
...I see someone is delusional and high on that pipe dream of dem'rock'acy.
The clown has been in office nine years and has threatened another term. No confidence from party constituents nor majority of Canadian libtard voters anymore.
Do you really honestly think a few unhinged butthurt American asylum seekers are gonna be a game changer?
Canadian medical practice has indoctrinated policy to offer the M.A.I.D "service" as a solution to victims of chronic depression.
Yes...the fact that he is psychopath who could care less about Canadian, let alone any other lib migrant voters at this point, has eluded you... IMGFLIP community can see that.