Wait, how old?
Couple yrs ago, someone went digging back like 5, 6 months looking for stuff to flag me on - much actually had been replies to his slags, which he deleted right as he flagged me so he could look all innocent. I noticed that during heated exchanges, he'd suddenly go silent. And within the half hour, I'd get slammed with a timer. I called that a Maury Trap, although he wasn't the first to do it, just that he spent an inordinate amount of time doing it.
Then they changed it so you couldn't go farther back than a month or two, not sure which.
Timber1972, who was one of the only Righties here that could actually substantiate what he posted beyond a Tucker Carlson video on YouTube - and I mean to the point that he actually sounded like a college professor at times - he got booted in Nov 2020 for comments and memes he made as far back a 2 years prior. Was a real shame, the Politics stream took a real dive with his departure. It was still fun back then, and more informative than the latest Trump Tweet.
Someone who had been tailing me since 2019 figured by going after Timber I would hop in and join up with the sycophant, as we (Timb and me) had clashed much. Thing was, by the time he started after much preparation, I had sorta aligned more with Timber as we had agreed on quite a few topics, and he was far too interesting for me to bother keep pestering on issues we didn't agree on. This was when that timer stuff had started, and I basically went where the riot is. I found what was interesting to be more interesting and fun than which political dunderhead to defend.
Anyways, despite me warning him over and over that he was being set up, he kept taking the bait out of pride, and ultimately that was that.