Yeah I was sitting in front of my computer with my fan on and smelled the crap blowing in my direction from the bathroom. I have heightened senses which makes this even stronger. Anyway I was going to grab the Febreze and noticed it was buried then turned around and that turd was standing in the hallway staring at the turd. I assume it was stuck to his butt and he used the wall to pull it off then was wondering how to bury it. Another time he clearly consumed one of my waist long hairs and had it dangling from his butt with a shish kabob of turds up and down it. The hair was stuck in butt wrinkles & he dragged his ass down hallway smearing crap on carpet then proceeded to jump onto kitchen counter with it swinging back and forth from his but. Grabbed paper towel and pulled it off and did some disinfecting. The other two cats are more mischievous than him. Monsters 🤣