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iloveleonid (1599491)
Joined 2018-01-05
4 & 5 point Calvinism is an abominable heresy
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Cat logic in cats
0 ups, 4h
It's clearly a cartoon meme idea so why are you passing instant judgment on them and yet if this was done to you on something else by this person who made this he or she would be an intolerant hater or some type of "phobe." I'm of the opinion that there are only 2 genders but if I saw a meme or a gif a guy or girl made of someone dressed in the opposite gender's clothes making a joke I wouldn't blindly assume they were trans or pushing it on people without really looking at the context and if I did conclude it was I wouldn't lecture them on it unless they intentionally posted it to my profile blatantly pushing their cause. This meme isn't advocating for or against declaw but is simply a good idea when comparing it to the picture.
Unusual Kitteh in cats
0 ups, 2d
I assume the cat fit in the bucket and then they stopped the gif right before he would've jumped out
Angora In Handcuffs in cats
0 ups, 4d
In closer examination of this picture and my experience with both this one could be a mix based on the blurred face and hair but those fat paws are Van paws so a mix is likely. 1st here is a pure van, 2nd is pure Angora and 3rd is mixed. Markings on 3rd are van but body and hair more Angora and face is a mix. Some may have more solid color or more mix of white and typically rust color as well. If I could see the rest of this cuffed cat's body I could be definite but likely a mix. Both are lunatics and much fun. My long reply above to Sardine Yoghurt details specifics in behavior at least. Here's example pictures of these breeds and a mix.
When You See It in CuRsEd_ImAgEs666
0 ups, 4d
Anyone taught in common core run public schools nowadays likely can't read it.
Cat Intellect Vs Dog Intellect in cats
1 up, 5d
Yeah. It's not really about stupidity thing anyway but mostly the canine panic on obstacles whereas felines don't panic at obstacles.